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Re: tool for DB design

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Hi Nikolay,

Were you able to get any closer to your objective on this email thread?

I spent quite a bit of time researching the web on this question back in June - Is there an Open Source option for doing "round trip" data modeling for PostgreSQL?

As far as the E-R or UML diagramming, Dia and Umbrello are definitely the tools I liked the best, with ArgoUML coming in 3rd.  Dia is Gnome-based, Umbrello uses KDE and ArgoUML is Java Swing based.

Of these, only Dia appears to have "relatively" complete machinery for turning UML diagrams --> PostgreSQL DDL SQL and visa/versa.

The major options are listed here:

Basically, these are a collection of scripts - PERL, PHP & Python, for turning the Dia UML objects (saved as XML in a Dia file) into DDL SQL.  The following tools were specifically capable of handling PostgreSQL's DDL SQL dialect:

Dia UML --> PostgreSQL DDL SQL
(dia2PgSQL - this one I've lost and can't find it on the web anymore)

PostgreSQL DDL SQL --> Dia UM

In the end, I chose teDia2SQL (, though it doesn't do everything I needed, it seem to get me closest.

In the end, I started using ideas I got from reading the teDia2SQL code to write my own truly "round trip" scripts in Ruby to go back & forth easily between Dia & PostgreSQL DDL SQL.  Unfortunately, I had to move on to other tasks, before getting very far along on this, but I do hope to get back to it eventually.

I'm kinda hoping one of the Open Source UML tools - Umbrello, Neptune or ArgoUML/PoseidonUML will get to this task before I do.  If they added full "round trip" translation between their diagrams/models and PostgreSQL DDL SQL, and they all adopt the XMI file format, so that UML & E/R diagrams can be stored as SVG-like XML instances that any tool can open and edit, then we'll be set.

I expect we're still at least 1.5 - 2.0 years from there, yet.

Good luck.


On Nov 25, 2005, at 6:22 AM, Tino Wildenhain wrote:

Nikolay Samokhvalov schrieb:
dbvis isn't the thing what I need. Or I'm blind and cannot find where
I can draw ER/UML diagram then transform it to physical, then obtain
SQL code. Or, just physical->SQL. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Well, I mentioned DIA for this - reread my mail please ;)
I said DIA for ER -> SQL and dbvis for physical -> ER.
physical -> SQL is covered by pg_dump.

On 25/11/05, Tino Wildenhain <tino@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Am Freitag, den 25.11.2005, 02:25 +0300 schrieb Nikolay Samokhvalov:

Please, suggest any free/opensource tool for DB design under Linux. I
need following: ER (or UML)-diagram -> physical diagram -> SQL code (I
don't even dream about reverse transformation...) Quite good example
of such tool is Sybase PowerDesigner (which supports Postgres), but
AFAIK it runs only under win and costs $...

dia can do this and I guess a lot of other tools.
For the reverse check out db visualizer (dbvis)

Which has a very nice ER-view.
(With autorouting, which many tools, even the $$$-ones


Best regards,

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Bill Bug

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