Tom Lane wrote:
Steve Crawford <scrawford@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
creating template1 database in /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/1 ... FATAL:
XX000: failed to initialize lc_messages to ""
We've seen this reported occasionally before, but none of the PG
developers have ever been able to reproduce it....
I installed glibc-locale and initdb now works fine.
Full explanation:
My base installation on this machine was a SuSE 8.2 "minimal install" to
which I'm adding only the things the machine will be required to run.
Among the things not included in the minimal install is gcc which I
installed via YaST. NOT installed by default when YaST installs gcc is
glibc-locale. (Also not installed is glibc-i18ndata).
Once glibc-locale was installed, initdb worked fine. Subsequently I
installed glibc-i18ndata and reran initdb which, as expected, still
worked fine.
I'll leave it to the development-team to decide if this situation should
be classed as a bug, a failure of the installation routines to detect
the absence of necessary files, a need for a better error message or
simply failure of the nut behind the wheel.