Hi I'm writing an application that calculates working hours for billing. there are three levels of billing. one for regular hours, one for evening/nights, and one for saturdays/holidays. My first decision is wether I make these calculations in a database view (If I understand correctly, it would be calculated only once - when creating the entry or modify it - or am I wrong?) or just put the regular working hours in the database, and calculate it in the application (and this way it would be calculated every time I view the page)? If I'm right and it's better to put it in the database, I really need help designing the database... (of-course it's an open-source project). my idea is to create one table that define default hours/days ranges for the three levels of billing, one table to define client specific ranges, a table with charging information (charge per hour for every level of billing for every customer), tables that define custommers, and job details and a final view that summerize everything. my main problem is how do I define an hour range from friday 15:00 to sunday 08:00, and how to create a function that compares the working hours with this range? thanx -- Haim