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Re: to create a database...

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You'll probably find that most portable way is a sql file. But, because of all the differences between different database's syntax and features, you will probably need to store a different file for each RDBMS. So you might as well forget about the most portable way to do it, and simply use the best way for each RDBMS you want to support.

On Nov 20, 2005, at 11:34 AM, P.M wrote:


I'm creating a Visual application and i would like to make my application versatile.

For that, it should be able to create the same DB on different RDBMS like PostGreSQL, MySQL or MSSQL.

I would like to know what is the best way to create a DB from scratch... (DB, table, users, functions,...)

- to use a SQL text file
- to create a new function inside template1 db, and to execute it after,
- ...

please, help me.

thanks a lot,

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