I have the following _expression_ working in that the process.fluid_id
is transfereed to pipe.fluid_id when the column - process.contain has a value of
There is no transfer when the contain column holds other values. Success -
so far.
How do I keep the table pipe from being populated with duplicate rows?
Among other reasons not to have duplicate rows, I want to make
pipe.fluid_id a primary key.
CREATE TABLE pipe ( fluid_id int4 NOT NULL);
CREATE TABLE process( fluid_id int4 NOT NULL, process varchar, contain varchar) ; create or replace function base() returns trigger as $$ DECLARE myrow RECORD; BEGIN for myrow in select * from process where contain = 'ip' loop insert into pipe(fluid_id) values (myrow.fluid_id); if not found then do nothing ; end if;
end loop; return NULL; END; $$ language plpgsql; create trigger trig1 after insert on process
for each row execute procedure base(); insert into process (fluid_id, process, contain)
values ('1', 'water3', 'ip'); |