OK. Thanks!
On Nov 10, 2005, at 10:20 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
Scott Frankel <leknarf@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
[ Mac OS X ]
could not save history to file "<my_home_dir>/.psql_history":
Invalid argument
Searching the archives, I found a thread about this error wherein the
poster "solved" the problem by commenting out the reporting code in
the source file.
If you look back further, there is more discussion of this several
months back. It seems that libedit and libreadline are not compatible
about how write_history() reports errors. We haven't figured out a
nice solution for this yet.
- Is the error msg ignorable?
Pretty much.
- Does the correct lib exist on MacOSX?
You can grab libreadline and install it into /usr/local, or use the
version from Fink.
regards, tom lane
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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend