Richard Sydney-Smith wrote:
? In pgAdminIII linked to 8.0.4 server did a backup of all databased.
Chose "plain" and saved to disk.
uninstalled 8.0.4
installed 8.1.0
create database in pgAdminIII v1.4
---- reports as not a valid archive.
Obviously this is not what I expect.
Some older backups from a 7.4.? server on a Redhat machine will restore.
I'd guess it's expecting the "custom" archive format which lets you pick
and choose what to restore. Someone more knowledgable will pop up and
say for certain shortly.
You should be able to feed a "plain" backup to psql or to pg_restore though.
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings