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Re: PL language selection

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Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
On Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 12:16:12PM +0300, Nicolay A Vasiliev wrote:

There are a number of different PL-languages. How do you select these languages? I think PL/SQL is more fast or am I wrong?

Suggest me please your way of PL language selection.

Well, it kind of depends on what you want to do. Different languages
are good for different things. If you want pattern matching you might
want pl/perl.

Oh, great! It sounds good cause we use Perl hardly in our work and understand something in this language :).

For simple SQL stuff, pl/sql has the advantage that it
can be inlined. pl/pgsql looks similar to oracles offering, some people
like that.

I thought the same. When I worked with Sybase Adaptive SQL Anywhere few years ago I liked its Watcom SQL dialect for its power of computation possibilities.

The languages are all fast enough that you should really consider
maintainability, readabilty and coding experience before speed...

This is very important especially in case of active using of database in insert/update conditions. And I thought PL/SQL is more "native". If they are equally by maintainability - so, PosgreSQL is fine a lot :).


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