Hello, I have problem that I can't to call function because postgres can't to find this function with specified parameters and I receive following error: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ERROR: function update_bf_domain(integer, character varying, character varying, timestamp with time zone) does not exist Here is my definition: Table definition: ----------------- CREATE TYPE type_int_timestamp AS (intgr INTEGER, tmstp TIMESTAMP); CREATE TABLE BF_DOMAIN ( ID SERIAL, NAME VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(1024) NULL, CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, MODIFICATION_DATE TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT BF_DOM_UQ UNIQUE (NAME), CONSTRAINT BF_DOM_PK PRIMARY KEY (ID) ); Function for update: -------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION UPDATE_BF_DOMAIN ( INTEGER, VARCHAR(100), VARCHAR(1024), TIMESTAMP ) RETURNS type_int_timestamp AS ' DECLARE in_domain_id ALIAS FOR $1; in_name ALIAS FOR $2; in_description ALIAS FOR $3; in_modification_date ALIAS FOR $4; out_updated_count INTEGER; out_timestamp TIMESTAMP; output_result type_int_timestamp; BEGIN SELECT INTO out_timestamp now(); UPDATE BF_DOMAIN SET NAME = in_name, DESCRIPTION = in_description, MODIFICATION_DATE = out_timestamp WHERE ID = in_domain_id AND MODIFICATION_DATE = in_modification_date; GET DIAGNOSTICS out_updated_count = ROW_COUNT; output_result.intgr := out_updated_count; output_result.tmstp := out_timestamp; RETURN output_result; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; ======================================== I call update function (from java) as following: updateStatement = dbConnection.prepareStatement( "select INTGR, TMSTP from UPDATE_BF_DOMAIN (?, ?, ?, ?)"); updateStatement.setInt(1, data.getId()); updateStatement.setString(2, data.getName()); updateStatement.setString(3, data.getDescription()); updateStatement.setTimestamp(4, data.getModificationTimestamp()); rsResults = updateStatement.executeQuery(); if (rsResults.next()) { iUpdateCount = rsResults.getInt(1); tmTimestamp = rsResults.getTimestamp(2); } ======================================== Can you help me please what I doing wrong and how can I solve this problem? Thank you in advance, with best regards, Julian Legeny mailto:juleni@xxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings