I noticed that some of you left coasters were talking about memcached and pgsql. I'm curious to know what was discussed. In reading about memcached, it seems that many people are using it to circumvent the scalability problems of MySQL (lack of MVCC). from their site: <snip> Shouldn't the database do this? Regardless of what database you use (MS-SQL, Oracle, Postgres, MysQL-InnoDB, etc..), there's a lot of overhead in implementing ACID properties in a RDBMS, especially when disks are involved, which means queries are going to block. For databases that aren't ACID-compliant (like MySQL-MyISAM), that overhead doesn't exist, but reading threads block on the writing threads. memcached never blocks. </snip> So What does memcached offer pgsql users? It would still seem to offer the benefit of a multi-machined cache. -Mike