When I call the same function
select * from usp_Commande_Dues_Retourner('{\'1734\'}', 'M',
'2005-02-02', '2005-11-02', 'EN' );
with the real line I get no result?
Why are you quoting the value inside the quotes?
Because I had a bug in my java application. I modify my code to get
select * from usp_Commande_Dues_Retourner('{"1734"}', 'M',
'2005-02-02', '2005-11-02', 'EN' );
and it works ...
Thanks !
That is, is there
a reason you're using '{\'1734\'}' instead of '{1734}'? Does using
the latter work? It does for me in simple tests.
Thanks for your answer. That was my error.
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