My ref: WHAT AM I MISSING in my ORACLE to PG Port? --1) I write CREATE FUNCTION func1( var_1 INOUT T_TABLE1.C_COL1%TYPE, var_2 IN INTEGER) AS..... --2) It works but, NOTICE: type reference T_TABLE1.C_COL1%TYPE converted to character varying --3) It says CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func1(INOUT var_1 "varchar", IN var_2 int4) AS... It kinda works but looks static, now I kinda wanted it to STAY %TYPE. ALSO --1) CREATE TYPE type1 AS (tvar_1 T_TABLE1.C_COL1%TYPE, tvar_2 INTEGER); XX ERROR: syntax error at or near "%" --2) CREATE TYPE type1 AS (tvar_1 T_TABLE1.C_COL1, tvar_2 INTEGER); XX ERROR: schema "T_TABLE1" does not exist I don't want to asign it at the ROW level just Column. I got this stuff all over and need a good conversion solution. Any help is appreciated... Thanks Troy ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly