>> Any idea how to make Alt key to work in my application >> immediately after calling pg_dump ? > > What parameters do you pass to CreateProcess()? I use modified Ed Rauh API_APP class. Relevant part of of the calling code: * This API call does the work. The parameters are as follows: * lpszModuleName - ptr-> file name of module to execute. Since we aren't launching .CPLs, do not use * lpszCommandLine - ptr-> command to execute, as passed in method * lpSecurityAttributesProcess - ptr-> SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure for Process. Pass a null pointer * lpSecurityAttributesThread - ptr-> SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure for first thread. Pass a null pointer * bInheritHandles - whether or not chlid inherits parent handles. Since no SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES passed, default to FALSE * dwCreateFlags - Process Creation Mode flag set. we use the default mode at normal priority, ie 0 * lpvEnvironment - ptr-> a set of environment strings as if a MULTI_SZ. We don't set, so pass a null pointer * lpszStartupDir - ptr-> the starting directory. If none provided to method, pass a null pointer * lpStartInfo - ptr-> a STARTUPINFO structure. We use one structure member at times. * lpProcessInfo - ptr-> a PROCESS_INFORMATION structure, used to return PID/PHANDLE detail. We use one member DECLARE SHORT CreateProcess IN WIN32API AS CrPr ; STRING lpszModuleName, ; STRING @lpszCommandLine, ; STRING lpSecurityAttributesProcess, ; STRING lpSecurityAttributesThread, ; SHORT bInheritHandles, ; INTEGER dwCreateFlags, ; STRING @lpvEnvironment, ; STRING lpszStartupDir, ; STRING @lpStartInfo, ; STRING @lpProcessInfo * Make default Structures for the CreateProcess call * * ProcessInfo - 4 bytes, a Process handle, a Thread Handle, a (DWORD) ProcessId and a (DWORD) ThreadID * we save the Process handle and return it to caller in tnReturnProcessHandle cProcessInfo = REPL(CHR(0),16) * StartUpInfo is a 68 byte long complex structure; we either have 68 bytes with a cb member (byte 1) 68 * or with cb of 68, dwFlag low order byte (byte 45) of 1, and low order byte wShowWindow (byte 49) set to * the SW_ value appropriate for the Window Mode desired. * Use default of application cStartUpInfo = CHR(68) + REPL(CHR(0),67) LOCAL cstr cstr= 'PGPASSWORD=xxx' +CHR(0)+ ; 'HOMEPATH='+GETENV('HOMEPATH') +CHR(0)+ ; 'SystemDrive='+GETENV('SystemDrive')+CHR(0)+ ; 'SystemRoot='+GETENV('SystemRoot')+CHR(0)+ ; 'USERDOMAIN='+GETENV('USERDOMAIN')+CHR(0)+ ; 'USERNAME='+GETENV('USERNAME')+CHR(0)+ ; 'USERPROFILE='+GETENV('USERPROFILE')+CHR(0)+ ; 'windir'+GETENV('windir')+CHR(0)+ CHR(0) lResult = CrPr( 0, ; cCommandLine, ; 0, 0, 0, 0, @cstr, ; uFromDir, ; @cStartUpInfo, ; @cProcessInfo) > I think you're bit by the general windows behaviour that a new process > started by default will take focus away from your app, and it does not > necessarily return it when it quits. I'm not sure that this is the reason because: 1. I changed commandline parameter to c:\wind98\system32\chcp.com . In this case, Alt+F works. 2. Other keys like Enter, Ctrl+K works in my application. 3. After calling pg_dump I tried BringWindowToFront procedure below as described in http://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?fid=4262 This does not fix the problem. > I don't *think* it's pg_dump > specific. It'd be interesting to know both about flags above, and also > what happens if you just call a bat-file that does nothing and then > exits. Specifiing empty .bat file directly as CreateProcess() command line causes Createprocess to return error. I tried to run chcp.com (randomly seleted windows console app which does not wait for user input). After chcp.com finishes , Alt+F works. Andrus. * http://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?fid=4262 * Force Window to Front (not blink in taskbar) * You may have noticed that when you try and bring your application's * window to the front using API calls (SetForeGroundWindow and * BringWindowToTop) that it just blinks down in the taskbar. This * applies to Windows 2000 and later Microsoft OS's (see MS * Documentation below). Well, if you would rather have your * applicaiton's window truly come to the front (and I'm sure you do) * then here's a VFP workaround using API calls. * MS Documentation for SetForegroundWindow reads as follows: * "Windows NT 5.0 and later: An application cannot force a window to the * foreground while the user is working with another window. Instead, * SetForegroundWindow will activate the window (see SetActiveWindow) * and call the FlashWindowEx function to notify the user." * ...and it appears that the same is true for BringWindowToTop. * The only way Windows 2000 and Windows XP let you bring your * application's window up to the front is if the thread it is running on * is the thread of the foreground window at the time. So, you have to * attach the thread of your application to the thread of the foreground * window and then bring your application's window to the front. After * that you need to detach your thread (this all only happens if the user * has another application's window as the foreground active window). * It looks like a lot, but really we are just tricking Windows into * thinking that our application window is part of the foreground * application so that it will let us bring our window up to the front * rather than having it just blink in the taskbar. The key to this * whole thing is the AttachThreadInput API calls. DECLARE Long FindWindow In Win32API String, String LOCAL nHWND, ccaption ccaption = _screen.caption _screen.caption = SYS(2015) nHWND = FindWindow(Null,_screen.caption) _screen.Caption = m.ccaption If nHWND >0 ForceForegroundWindow(nHWND) ENDIF RETURN PROCEDURE ForceForegroundWindow(lnHWND) LOCAL nForeThread, nAppThread DECLARE Long BringWindowToTop In Win32API Long DECLARE Long ShowWindow In Win32API Long, Long DECLARE INTEGER GetCurrentThreadId; IN kernel32 DECLARE INTEGER GetWindowThreadProcessId IN user32; INTEGER hWnd,; INTEGER @ lpdwProcId DECLARE INTEGER GetCurrentThreadId; IN kernel32 DECLARE INTEGER AttachThreadInput IN user32 ; INTEGER idAttach, ; INTEGER idAttachTo, ; INTEGER fAttach DECLARE INTEGER GetForegroundWindow IN user32 nForeThread = GetWindowThreadProcessId(GetForegroundWindow(), 0) nAppThread = GetCurrentThreadId() IF nForeThread != nAppThread * ? 'Different threads' AttachThreadInput(nForeThread, nAppThread, .T.) BringWindowToTop(lnHWND) ShowWindow(lnHWND,3) AttachThreadInput(nForeThread, nAppThread, .F.) ELSE * ? 'same threads' BringWindowToTop(lnHWND) ShowWindow(lnHWND,3) ENDIF ENDPROC ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives? http://archives.postgresql.org