On 10/19/2005 3:46 PM, Dann Corbit wrote:
Would you want varchar(30) 'Dann Corbit' to compare equal to bpchar(30)
'Dann Corbit'?
I would.
wieck=# select 'Jan'::varchar(20) = 'Jan'::char(20);
(1 row)
wieck=# select 'Jan'::char(20) = 'Jan'::varchar(20);
(1 row)
wieck=# select version();
PostgreSQL 8.0.4 on i386-unknown-freebsd4.9, compiled by GCC 2.95.4
(1 row)
Did I miss anything?
If both are considered character types by the language, then they must
compare that way.
Perhaps there are some nuances that I am not aware of. But that is how
things ought to behave, if I were king of the forest.
-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:pgsql-general-
owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Terry Fielder
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 12:37 PM
To: Marc G. Fournier
Cc: Richard_D_Levine@xxxxxxxxxxxx; pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [pgsql-advocacy] Oracle buys Innobase
OK, I am not an expert on the SQL standard, but I thought the
varied by data type e.g. varchar <> bpchar
Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Oct 2005, Richard_D_Levine@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> I was referring to trailing blanks, but did not explicitly say it,
>> though showed it in the examples. I am pretty sure that the SQL
>> standard says that trailing whitespace is insignificant in string
>> comparison.
> Then we are broken too :)
> # select 'a ' = 'a ';
> ?column?
> ----------
> f
> (1 row)
> ----
> Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services
> Email: scrappy@xxxxxxx Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ:
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Terry Fielder
Associate Director Software Development and Deployment
Great Gulf Homes / Ashton Woods Homes
Fax: (416) 441-9085
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