Onyx schreef:
When i look at pgadmin:
an anoying feature: it closes when u do something illegal, instead of
saying: u don't have the rights to do this.
Which version of PgAdmin were you using? III? Or II? In my findings, I
have had similiar problems to what you have been experiencing when using
III. In some cases, PgAdmin III would actually crash my video driver when
executing random queries. I would have to reboot to resolve the problem.
Version III didn't seem to work for me at all. I have 'downgraded' to II,
and I have had no problems with it. If you have not tried version II, and
all of your problems have been within the IIIrd version, I recommend you try
its version III 1.2.2
ill try that
Just my two cents...
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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster