Hi Tom
At 03:32 18/10/2005, Tom Lane wrote:
Johan Wehtje <joweht@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> I was more disappointed in the fact that when the Wizard is used to
> build a Database connection to Postgresql the information box text
> informs the user that the "Postgresql is not as fast as MySql, but does
> have support for transactions and Stored Procedures".
> Given that from the 7 series onwards the relative speeds of MySql and
> Postgresql is not something that has a clear and definitive answer, I
> would suggest that the Connection Wizard text is misleading at best.
And I suppose the MySQL boys will be objecting to the second part of the
sentence as soon as MySQL 5.0 goes gold ;-)
I agree with you, as I have already mentioned to Johan. I believe the user
already knows which database engine he/she is going to use and more than
likely he/she is fully aware of the pros and cons, so there is no need to
point them out
regards, tom lane
John Dean,
co-author of Rekall,
the only alternative
to MS Access
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