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Re: On "multi-master"

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Andrew Sullivan wrote:

On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 11:54:19PM +0900, Tatsuo Ishii wrote:
Enforcement? There would be plenty of ways to achieve that. For
example, you could set pg_hba.conf so that on ly the host where pgpool
is running on could connect to the host where postmaster is running

That just changes the problem to someone logging in from that host. (This isn't a theoretical problem, by the way; it's an objection that
I've heard from people.)

Repeat after me... Data integrity, like security, is a process, not a product.

Your objection is not an insoluble one. But it involves care in designing the system.

If your DBA logs in to the actual DB host and issues a command, then that is the DBA's fault, and your DBA should know better. If he/she doesn't you have bigger problems than replication. A more valid concern is the question of not knowing that the DBA logged in from the wrong system to the wrong system. This can be greately reduced by intelligently engineering the network, and setting things up so that the system automatically logs in with a read-only account unless a username is specified.... I think that this risk can be reduced to something acceptable even in the world of high availability systems, but you are right, it is not so done out of the box.

I think that this objection comes from the difference between FOSS where you have projects as toolkits for solutions and COTS Software where the packages are supposed to be complete solutions.

Right. It's your freedom that you do not use pgpool until you think
it's solid enough.

And my managers approve it :)  I should note, for the record, that
I'm extremely impressed with pgpool.  I just think we have some room
to grow before we can say we have something to really compete with
the commercial multimaster systems.

Now, I never said it was a direct competitor by itself with commerical multimaster systems. I do think that with appropriate consulting services, network engineering, etc. services it could be with a little work, if these are the only objections you have :-)

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers
Metatron Technology Consulting
fn:Chris Travers

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