CSN wrote:
There are some articles on eweek about this:
Oracle Finds the Flaw in MySQL's Business Plan
"This is what Oracle says in its release: "InnoDB's
contractual relationship with MySQL comes up for
renewal next year. Oracle fully expects to negotiate
an extension of that relationship."
This is what Lubet, former Oracle sales mistress, has
to say about that: "I'm pretty sure, as an ex-Oracle
employee, that the sentence in the release about
'We'll certainly be happy to renew the contract,' that
it was written by Larry and that he was laughing out
loud as he [dictated it]."
Maybe they lost the development of the know how for the only transaction
safe table type of the current mysql releases, but they still "own" the
former Adabas/MaxDB/SAP-DB code with transaction safe tables. Probably
they force the "union" of mysql and SAP-DB code base to keep their
transaction competence, but this are just my €0,02...
Greetings from Berlin,
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Linux: "Where do you want to go tomorrow?"
FreeBSD: "Are you guys coming, or what?"
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