I am receiving the following error and cannot understand what it means. Please let me know if this makes sense to you. ERROR: could not open relation 1663/3364852/7973197: No such file or directory CONTEXT: SQL statement "create temporary table tmpcust as select a.* from qry_Customers_Country a" PL/pgSQL function "buildsrtemptables" line 34 at execute statement The code I am using checks if a temporary tables exists, if it exists, it drops 3 temp tables. The function continues on and creates the temporary tables. This ensures that if my application calls the function twice in the same connection, it doesn't get the error. What is strange about the error is that it does not happen everytime. I can call the function and it creates the tables. I then call it again and I get the error, and the tables still exist. Then I call the function again and it drops and rebuilds the tables with no error. But it is not always every other one, sometimes it is every 3 calls. Below is the code: create or replace function buildsrtemptables(uidparm int, prodparm int, cntparm int, custparm int, orderparm int, startdateparm date, monthsparm int) returns void --prodparm 0=not enabled, 1=useprod, 2=useprodtype --cntparm 0 = not enabled, 1 = usecountry, 2= useregion --custparm 1=list, 2=all --orderparm 0=not enabled, 1=3months, 2=1yr, 3=2yr, 4=3yr, 5=all, 6=defined --if orderparm=6 then --startdate date --months int as $$ declare sqltmpcust citext; sqltmporder citext; tempschema citext; begin select current_schemas[1] into tempschema from current_schemas(true); if tempschema like 'pg_temp%' then if exists(select * from pg_class a join pg_namespace b on a.relnamespace=b.oid and b.nspname=tempschema where relname='tmpprod') then execute 'drop table tmpprod'; execute 'drop table tmpcust'; execute 'drop table tmporder'; end if; end if; execute 'create temporary table tmpprod(like Products)'; if prodparm=0 then execute 'insert into tmpprod select * from products'; elsif prodparm=1 then execute 'insert into tmpprod select a.* from products a join set_prod b on a.productid=b.id and b.setz AND b.uid=' || uidparm; else --prodparm = 2 execute 'insert into tmpprod select a.* from products a join set_prodtype b on a. producttypeid=b.id and b.setz and b.uid=' || uidparm; end if; sqltmpcust = 'select a.* from qry_Customers_Country a'; if custparm=1 then sqltmpcust=sqltmpcust || ' join set_cust b on a.customerid=b.id and b.setz and b.uid=' || uidparm; end if; if cntparm<>0 then if cntparm=1 then sqltmpcust=sqltmpcust || ' join set_country c on c.id=a.countryid and c.setz and c.uid=' || uidparm; else --cntparm=2 sqltmpcust=sqltmpcust || 'join countries c on c.countryid=a.countryid join set_region d on d.id=c.regionid and d.setz and d.uid=' || uidparm; end if; end if; execute 'create temporary table tmpcust as ' || sqltmpcust; sqltmporder='select a.* from quotations a join tmpcust b on a.customerid=b.customerid join quotationitems c on c.quotationid=a.quotationid join tmpprod d on d.productid=c.productid'; if orderparm not in (0,5) then sqltmporder=sqltmporder || ' where orderdate >= '; if orderparm = 1 then sqltmporder=sqltmporder || 'current_date - interval ''3 months'''; elsif orderparm=2 then sqltmporder=sqltmporder || 'current_date - interval ''1 year'''; elsif orderparm=3 then sqltmporder=sqltmporder || 'current_date - interval ''2 years'''; elsif orderparm=4 then sqltmporder=sqltmporder || 'current_date - interval ''3 years'''; elsif orderparm=6 then if startdateparm is null then sqltmporder=sqltmporder || 'current_date - interval ''' || monthsparm || ' months'''; else --startdateparm sqltmporder=sqltmporder || '''' || startdateparm || ''''; end if; end if; end if; execute 'create temporary table tmporder as ' || sqltmporder; return; end; $$ language 'plpgsql'; ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faq