Solved! CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION non_duplicated_isbn() RETURNS trigger AS $function$ DECLARE rez RECORD; BEGIN SELECT INTO rez * FROM books WHERE isbn=NEW.isbn AND name !=; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'isbn % already used for different book name: %', NEW.isbn,; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $function$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER ndi BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON books FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE non_duplicated_isbn(); On 10/8/05, Miles Keaton <mileskeaton@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I'm stuck on a brain-teaser with CONSTRAINT: > > Imagine a table like "lineitems" in a bookstore - where you don't need > an ISBN to be unique because a book will be in buying history more > than once. > > But you DO need to make sure that the ISBN number is ONLY matched to > one book name - NOT to more than one book name. > > This is OK: > isbn name > 1234 Red Roses > 1234 Red Roses > > This is OK: (two books can have the same name) > isbn name > 1234 Red Roses > 5555 Red Roses > > This is NOT OK: (an isbn must be tied to one book only!) > isbn name > 1234 Red Roses > 1234 Green Glasses > > > I know it's tempting to say, "just link a separate table for the book > and don't store the book name" but let's just pretend that's not an > option - because I'm not actually dealing with books : I just made up > this simplified version of something at work, where we can't change > the table : both isbn and name MUST be in the table, and what I'm > trying to do is put a CONSTRAINT on the table definition to protect > against user error, by making sure that any entered isbn is only tied > to one book-name in that table. > > Thoughts? > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly