On Sun, 9 Oct 2005, Tom Lane wrote:
Gregory Youngblood <pgcluster@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
I've been using SuSE and PostgreSQL for a fairly long time. Recently
(last 12 months), I've noticed that the 9.x (9.2 and 9.3 specifically)
versions of SuSE do not include PostgreSQL on the CD install -- only on
the DVD. At first (9.2), I thought it was just a glitch that didn't get
fixed in 9.3. Now, it seems to have been deliberate.
The right thing to do is complain.
It might also be good to ask Reinhard about this. (CC'ed to him)
Kivi Bilişim Teknolojileri - http://www.kivi.com.tr
devrim~gunduz.org, devrim~PostgreSQL.org, devrim.gunduz~linux.org.tr
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