In short Postgresql makes less work for a DBA than MySQL when you actualy care about your data. It's cleaner, faster and easier to deal with in all cases of real world database applications.
I'm not even gonna talk about the query planner in MySQL trying to deal with an eight way join, let's just say that if you plan on using anything even near third normal, MySQL will dog. Oh - yeah - and the fact that it doesn't scale...
If those 'gotchas' are all one has against Postgresql... I don't know why people are still even using Oracle or DB2 ;) MySQL you say, I thought we were talking about RDBMSes here.
MySQL is to linux, what Jet is to Windows IMHO, oh wait - Jet has foreign keys by default...
On 10/6/05, Aly S.P Dharshi <aly.dharshi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Any comments from folks on the list ?
Aly S.P Dharshi
"A good speech is like a good dress
that's short enough to be interesting
and long enough to cover the subject"
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not