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Re: [INTERFACES] [ODBC] Unbound text box, Text > 255 characters, MSAccess/PostgreSQL

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Hello, Greg and thanks for suggestions, but it didn't work with append query. I just couldn't pass more than 255 characters long text as parameter of DAO query. But, fortunately, I solved the problem by using AddNew method of DAO recordset to append new row. In this case I could pass directly the whole value of Me.TextBoxName. It seems that in this way Access can pass the whole text (as Memo Type) to new row of recordset. Otherwise if I want to pass the same value of the unbound text box by using an append query, it can pass just 255 characters long text.
Fortunately, it works with recordset object...



----- Original Message ----- From: "Greg Campbell" <greg.campbell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Zlatko Matić" <zlatko.matic1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <pgsql-odbc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <pg-interfaces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <pgsql-interfaces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] [ODBC] Unbound text box, Text > 255 characters, MSAccess/PostgreSQL

What version of Access?
Confirm that Access is interpreting the target field as MEMO, (either look at the linked table in design
mode, or use Tools->Analyze->Documenter).
For the query, determine the "type" of the parameter - Query menu->Parameters. Be sure you are using type

By the way, 3271 is a Jet error -- Invalid property value.

Good luck.

Zlatko Matić wrote:

I have the following problem with MS Access/PostgreSQL combination:
There is a form in Access that has an unbound text box, used for entering a commentary of a batch of records. There is a DAO Append Query that has a parameter that is passed from the text box using parameter of DAO QueryDef object. I adjusted B7 parameter (Text as LongVarchar) in connection string (ODBC driver) to 1, so that Access links PostgreSQL Text fields as Memo fields in Access. The intention was to be able to enter unlimited length commentary into the field. But, although I can enter unlimited text by using bound text box in some other forms, in this particular form I can't use bound control, so I need to pass text from UNBOUND control to the linked table by using DAO or ADO code. It seems that DAO query can't accept Memo as parameter, but only text. If my text exceeds length of 255, I have an VBA error 3271. If text in unbound text box is shorter that 255 everything is OK.

So, is there any way to pass text of length >255 from unbound text box to Memo field of linked PostgreSQL table, by using DAO or ADO ?

Thanks in advance,



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