Is there a tool which allows me to import this metadata across different databases (postgres, oracle, db2)? Any standard format for storing the metadata.
Basically, I want my application to run on multiple DBs, and I want to create the same schema in all DBs with minimal effort.
I understand different DBs ahve different types and one need to do the mapping and all, but does such a generic tool exists.
On 9/30/05, Joshua D. Drake <jd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Gandalf Me wrote:
> I was just wondering if we can export just the schema/metadata in
> Postgres ( i.e. just the table and column information, without the data).
> Is there an easy way to do this in Postgres?
pg_dump --help is your friend.
You are looking for the -s flag.
Joshua D. Drake
> Thanks in advance.
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