Tom Lane wrote:
Jan Wieck <JanWieck@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
On 9/27/2005 12:20 AM, George Essig wrote:
We have a database with about 30 tables and some RI. The RI constraints,
however, were not named upon creation of the database 2-3 years ago and
now when we get an error it contains <unnamed> for the constraint.
What you could do is to dump the database, edit the dump and restore it.
Why not just drop and re-add the FK constraints?
regards, tom lane
From all responses it seems that dump/drop is is the only way. This is
what I also understood from the documentation. I just hoped there is
another way (ALTER or so), that can be run LIVE, as the problem is not
so severe in order to justify the downtime. For example few weeks ago we
had several smallint columns that became overpopulated and it was so
easy to change them to integer without any downtime. I hoped for
something similar with the FK constraints. We will have to leave these
for some quiet time one day.
(we run 8.0.3 on FreeBSD 5.4)
Thank you for the comments.
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings