Tom Lane wrote:
"Justin R. Smith" <jsmith@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
I'm running postgresql 8.03 under Gentoo Linux and find that all actions
take at least a MINUTE (even dropdb and createdb). During this time, the
posgres account is locked up to the extent that one cannot even su to
it. (The su suceeds when the db operation completes.)
Any suggestions?
Don't use Gentoo? Seriously, that distribution is completely
unsupportable because no one else has the faintest idea what you are
really running. You've probably got some system component that is
either broken in itself or incompatible with some other component,
but there's no way to tell which.
regards, tom lane
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
I have been running Postgresql on Gentoo for several years and it works
great, better than RH EL.
You must have seriously messed up your install somehow. I suggest you
install on a clean system.
Did you fool around with the Kernel scheduler by chance? Right out of
the box Gentoo works very well.
I highly recommend Gentoo, the trick for a server install is just to use
the base system, don't install unneeded desktop managers etc. I have
current uptimes of 250+ days on all my Gentoo boxes and we import and
update 350,000 records every day for a large financial application that
uses 8.03 as the backend.
You did increase the kernels shared memory right, and properly setup
your postgresql.conf file for performance?
Are you using the autovaccum daemon?
There are a few guides available on how to setup your postgresql.conf
file for performance, just do a search on google.
Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin (PGLA)
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?