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COPY - permission denied

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I have used the COPY command dozens of times! I think
I *get* it. But, I'm getting "permission denied"

This is a fresh install of Fedora Core 4 (x86). I have
Postgresql running under the user postgres. I am
logged into to psql as postgres. The files are owned
by postgres and are -rw-------. They are being found -
it isn't a "file not found" error.

My usual routine is to create a directory at the same
depth/same parent as the cluster directory called
"migrate" and put all my text file of data to load,
there. I chown them to be owned by postgres:postgres,
and chmod 600 them, if necessary. (In this case I
chmod'ed them 777 just grasping at straws).

I have bounced the db, made sure the processes and
files are owned by postgres. What else is there?

COPY consult FROM

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