Yes, I did and I found an answer... :)
you did what? read the docs?
But I am trying to use this function in a report designer and the result from the
select is in the way of the real data from the fetch... Is there a way around this?
as i said: define the function as setof something.
for example (i'm wrinting without testnig, so there might be small mistakes)
create type srf_type_1 ( field1 int4, field2 text);
create or replace function test () returns setof srf_type_1 as
temprec srf_type_1%ROWTYPE;
for temprec in select id as field1, username as field2 from users where is_active = true loop
return next temprec;
end loop;
language 'plpgsql';
should work as select * from test();