It is better to send plain text messages instead of html. It is a pain to respond to emails in HTML format. ________________________________________ From: pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Irfan Syukur Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 6:31 PM To: POSTGRESQL (E-mail) Subject: MS SQL - PostgreSQL Dear Mailing List member, I have been using MS SQL for a few years and now I am trying to migrate to PostgreSQL. Are there any statements that similir for : - if [not] exists (select 1 from sysdatabases where name=[db_name]) drop database [db_name] DC >> Look at pg_database << DC - if [not] exists (select 1 from sysobjects where type = 'U' and name = [table_name]) drop table [table_name] DC >> Look at pg_tables << DC - if exists (select 1 from sysindexes where name = [index_name] and indid > 0) drop index [table_name].[index_name] DC >> Look at pg_indexes << DC - If in MS SQL there is 'store procedured', what about in PostgreSQL ? DC >> Sure. << DC - is there any tools, like bcp (bulk copy) in postgresql ? >> Look at the copy command. There are some real nice PostgreSQL manuals online. Try this: it has a search function too. << ________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Transmisi ini mungkin berisi informasi yang bersifat pribadi, rahasia dan tertutup untuk dipublikasikan berdasarkan Hukum dan Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku di wilayah Republik Indonesia. Jika Anda bukanlah penerima yang dituju, bersama ini Anda diperingatkan bahwa semua publikasi, penggandaan, pendistribusian, atau penggunaan informasi yang ada disini (berikut semua informasi yang terkait) adalah SANGAT TERLARANG. Jika Anda menerima transmisi ini tanpa disengaja, harap segera hubungi pengirim dan hapus material ini seluruhnya, baik dalam bentuk elektronik maupun dokumen cetak. Terima kasih." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend