Just as a FYI, having trust in the pg_hba.conf file on win32 is normally
not needed for PGLA to backup a database, I have been unable to
reproduce the error Michael experienced while running on XP sp 2, the
only thing I can think of was the version of pg_dump.exe I was shipping
was corrupted or something (8.0.2).
on another note it seems that the only version of pg_restore.exe that
will accept a password from the command line is 8.0.0.
All later versions prompt for the password, but fail every single time.
The only way to restore a file on anything above 8.0.0 (pg_restore) is
to have the pg_hba.conf file set to trust.
Michael Schmidt wrote:
In an earlier post, I mentioned that PG Lightning Admin seemed to hang
when I did a dump. Mr. Caduto provided some help with this and the
problem was resolved by setting my connection to "trust" in hba.conf.
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