On Sep 5, 2005, at 4:39 PM, Rose, Juergen wrote:
I working now for a wile with postgres (7.4), and I have the
that is one of the slowest dbms with which I've aver worked. Can
somebody explain to me, why this is the case?
You've given very few details as to your database schema, size, use-
case (e.g, heavy updates, mostly reads), load, hardware, etc. Are you
vacuuming regularly? Have you tuned your database? Have you set your
stats appropriately? With more detail, such as queries (with EXPLAIN
ANALYZE output), you may be able to get some help on the pgsql-
performance list. Without any real information, people aren't going
to be able to help you.
Here are some references that may help. There are more out there as
well. I'm nowhere near an expert on tuning and performance, but these
can get you started.
Good luck!
Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com
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