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Re: Removing all users from a group

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Thanks Patrick and Bruno for your replies,

The auto-added "FROM" feature is pretty slick for enabling JOINs within a DELETE. Allowing this to be explicit in 8.1 is going to be even better.

Since DELETEing from pg_users is an unsupported way to remove users, I am going to use the procedure in the end. It's a little-modified version of Patrick's code:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION removeUsersFromGroup( groupName name ) RETURNS int4 AS $$
  userRecord RECORD;
  numUsersDropped int4 := 0;
  FOR userRecord IN
   SELECT usename FROM pg_user,pg_group
   WHERE usesysid = ANY (grolist)
   AND groname = groupName
   numUsersDropped := numUsersDropped + 1;
   EXECUTE('DROP USER ' || userRecord.usename);
  RETURN numUsersDropped;
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

Thanks again for the help,

David J. Sankel

On 8/31/05, David Sankel <camior@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello List,

I'm trying to delete all the users from a group and it seems as though there isn't sufficient array functionality to do it.

The pg_group columns:

The pg_user columns:

After having a peek at the above, we know we can see all the users in a group with this:

 FROM pg_user, pg_group
 WHERE usesysid = ANY (grolist)
 AND groname = 'somegroupname';

"ANY" is a function that can tell if a value is in an array:

Okay, that select function worked fine, but if we want to delete we cannot use a join (implicit by the ',') to help us out. So the following should work:

WHERE usesysid = ANY ( SELECT grolist
                    FROM pg_group
                    WHERE groname = 'somegroupname' )

But, alas, it doesn't. Neither does any combination of IN and ANY. It seems to me like this should work since the same syntax works if we weren't talking about arrays.

So, how can we delete all users within a specified group? Is there a bug or is the above code incorrect?

When testing the above delete function, I found it useful to substitute "SELECT *" for "DELETE" to get non-destructive queries.

Thanks for any help,

David J. Sankel

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