Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 09:19:05AM +0200, Ben-Nes Yonatan wrote:
If the subtransaction writes at least a tuple, it counts as another
transaction. Else it doesn't count.
Oh crap I fear that now im in serious troubles....
Where can I read about this limitation? and beside that what if I count
the number of queries and every 900,000 or so I create a subtransaction
and continue my process with it, will that work or I'm just trying to be
a smart ass with the db?
Um, 1 billion transactions is 1 thousand million. So 900,000
inserts/updates are not even one tenth of one percent of the limit for
one transaction.
Are you really approaching a billion inserts/updates per transaction?
That's alot of diskspace being used...
Have a nice day,
No apprantly I just lack a decent sleep.... I think that ill stop ask
you guys questions before you will decide to get your clubs out... :P
In other words I was mistaken and thought about a million and not a
billion :)
With hopes that this is the end of my bugging :)
Thanks alot,
Ben-Nes Yonatan
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