Postgresql 8.0.3 Windows XP with SP2 C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.0\bin>pg_restore --dbname=smedb --verbose --ignore -version --host=localhost --username=postgres "c:\backup2005-08-08 10 .47.06" when it was restoring data of one big table,it returned error msg like [custom archive] can not read data block - unexpected 1, actual 0 then I turned on debug5 mode,it gave me more detail: 2005-08-26 10:22:16 ERROR: 08P01: unexpected message type 0x58 during COPY from stdin 2005-08-26 10:22:16 CONTEXT: COPY t_attachment, line 53: "" 2005-08-26 10:22:16 LOCATION: CopyGetData, copy.c:455 2005-08-26 10:22:16 LOG: XX000: could not send data to client: 由于目标机器积极拒绝,无法连接。 2005-08-26 10:22:16 LOCATION: internal_flush, pqcomm.c:1050 2005-08-26 10:22:16 LOG: XX000: could not receive data from client: 由于目标机器积极拒绝,无法连接。 2005-08-26 10:22:16 LOCATION: pq_recvbuf, pqcomm.c:704 2005-08-26 10:22:16 LOG: 08P01: unexpected EOF on client connection Is there any problem when to restore big blob data in postgresql? I dont know how to do now. Any help will be appreciated. -- RexHsu <rexhsu@xxxxxxx> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match