Hi! I've the following Problem and hope someone can help me. My PostgreSQL Database were running on a Debian Linux. Some day the OS crahsed and - here's the Problem - there is no dump file from Database. But I still have the files in base, global, pg_clog. So I did a fresh setup and copied the files in the pg data directory. But even I try to start via pg_ctl fails caus: Starting PostgreSQL database server: postmaster(FAILED) ERROR: There is no PostgreSQL database framework in /srv/postgres/data. Run initdb as the postgres user to create it I don't want to run initDB because the dir isn't empty - of course I copied my old data files in there. What can I do? Thank you!! Christian Meier ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives? http://archives.postgresql.org