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Re: Serials jumping

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Matt A. wrote:
I have a serial column on a test box DB. I'm
using "select nextval('some_seq') as id" to insert a
id in sequence. It doesn't return the next value but
at least 4 or so (random) ahead of the current
value. Is this to be expected?

You probably did some extra selects on the sequence somewhere, or the sequence is set to increment by a number >1.

Is this the most efficient way to retreive an id value
for insert a row then insert the resulting row into
the related tables?

Why don't you just use the default value of the serial type? You can do that by leaving the column out of the insert query.

Is there a more efficient/proper way? I would like all
my records to increment by 1 if possible. I'd be very
grateful to read your opinion.

Sequences increment at every call of nextval. Doesn't matter whether you used that value for anything or not, it always increments. Even if you rollback the transaction or interupt the query.

Sequences ensure that multiple concurrent inserts never get the same number back from them, so that you don't get "unique constraint violation"'s.
They're not designed to always increment by 1.


Alban Hertroys

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