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Re: Postgresql replication

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Chris Travers wrote:
Why not have the people who have rights to review this all write to the master database and have that replicated back? It seems like latency is not really an issue. Replication here is only going to complicate

What master database? Having a single master defeats the purpose of load balancing to handle more users.

> things.  If it were me, I would be having my approval app pull data
> from *all* of the databases independently and not rely on the
> replication for this part.  The replication could then be used to
> replicate *approved* data back to the slaves.

If your app client happens to have high speed access to all servers, fine. And you can guarantee uptime connections to all servers except for the rare cases of hardware failure. The problem is if you don't, you end up with every transaction running at the speed of the slowest connection between a client and the farthest DB. While the final status of a transaction does not need to show up anytime soon on a user's screen, there still needs to be fast response for each individual user action.

How bad does the response get? I've done some simple tests comparing APP <-LAN-> DB versus APP <-cross country VPN-> DB. Even simple actions like inserting a recording and checking for a dupe key violation (e.g. almost no bandwidth needed) takes about 10,000 times longer than over a 100mbit LAN.

I still don't understand the purpose of replicating the pending data...

Imagine a checking account. A request to make an online payment can be made on any server. The moment the user submits a request, he sees it on his screen. This request is considered pending and not a true transaction yet. All requests are collected together via replication and the "home" server for that account then can check the account balance and decide whether there's enough funds to issue those payments.

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