I´m Julio and a have a
situation running W2003 and DBExpress.
I connect to the W2003 with
socket (:5432) and, when i save the package on my
table, a new postgres.exe process start. Ok, no problems until
here. I disconnect from the W2003 and the new proccess just
The problem occurs when the
cable connection fault between the two PC´s after the connection
started. The new process that have been created on the W2003 (my
server) dont die. Just stay there. I have to reboot the PostgreSQL
8.0.1 to clear the process.
Maybe i´m doing something wrong, but with
UNIX Server´s i dont have this situation.
If anyone have a idea, please return ...
I use PostgreSQL for the last 4 year´s and i have to admit that is simply the
best choice. Work´s fine and is very, very stable! !
Julio Cesar Ledo Amaral Filho