Welty, Richard wrote: > Jeff Davis writes: > > >>The disadvantages: > > > one more: if you actually have m tables and n servers, you have > m x n tables in reality, which is pretty miserable scaling behavior. > i should think that rules, triggers, and embedded procedures would > explode in complexity rather rapidly. > > i know i wouldn't want to administer one of these if there were a lot > of sites. > True, but in practice n will usually be fairly reasonable. In particular, his setup sounded like it would be only a few. Also, you're really talking about scalability of administration. I don't think performance will be significantly impacted. > >>I hope this is helpful. Let me know if there's some reason my plan won't >>work. > > > look at the solution in pgreplicator. site ids are embedded in the > id columns in the tables, so there only m tables, and a bit less insanity. > That doesn't work with Slony-I unfortunately. I don't know much about pgreplicator, but if it does something similar to what I'm talking about, maybe it's a good thing to look into. Regards, Jeff Davis ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly