On Aug 20, 2005, at 1:59 PM, CSN wrote:
I was trying to figure out how to do:
update table set next=now() + interval 'table.period
create table foo (
foo_id serial not null unique
, foo_int integer not null
, foo_timestamp timestamp(0) with time zone not null
) without oids;
insert into foo (foo_int, foo_timestamp) values (10, current_timestamp);
insert into foo (foo_int, foo_timestamp) values (20,
current_timestamp + interval '20 seconds');
insert into foo (foo_int, foo_timestamp) values (30,
current_timestamp + interval '30 seconds');
insert into foo (foo_int, foo_timestamp) values (40,
current_timestamp + interval '40 seconds');
test=# select foo_id, foo_int, foo_timestamp from foo;
foo_id | foo_int | foo_timestamp
1 | 10 | 2005-08-20 14:39:14+09
2 | 20 | 2005-08-20 14:39:34+09
3 | 30 | 2005-08-20 14:39:44+09
4 | 40 | 2005-08-20 14:39:54+09
(4 rows)
test=# update foo set foo_timestamp = current_timestamp + foo_int *
interval '1 second';
test=# select foo_id, foo_int, foo_timestamp from foo;
foo_id | foo_int | foo_timestamp
1 | 10 | 2005-08-20 14:39:58+09
2 | 20 | 2005-08-20 14:40:08+09
3 | 30 | 2005-08-20 14:40:18+09
4 | 40 | 2005-08-20 14:40:28+09
(4 rows)
Is that what you want?
Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings