This is silly.
The bug being reported is that a non-super-user can't copy from a server
side file with JDBC.
There are a jillion (no, really, a jillion) other ways to accomplish this,
because as is the Perl motto, there is more than one way to do it.
If this is really so important, Bernard should be able to get together a
group of people who would pay the JDBC developers (or another group of
qualified programmers) to solve their problem.
If it isn't important enough to pay somebody to solve the problem, it isn't
that damned important.
If I had a dollar for every time some client said, "It's an emergency, and
we really need help!" and I said, "Okay, if it is an emergency, we can drop
everything we are doing now, and solve your problem at time and a half." and
they said, "Never mind, it wasn't an emergency after all." I'd have at least
10 dollars. :-)
Remember, open source means free as in speech, not as in beer.
With open source, there is a free lunch, but you have to grow the grain,
feed part to the livestock, and grind the rest into flour, bake the bread,
make the cold cuts, and the mayo.... oh, you wanted tomato? Hope you planted
Everyone involved in developing open source software is doing so either with
support from their employer (who hope that they will reap some benefit) or
they earn a living by consulting.
Bottom line:
If this is really important to you, either fix the problem, or provide
someone else with incentive to fix the problem.
In this case, attempting to appeal to/tear down the ego of the developers is
not working, so you will have to resort to more concrete methods, i.e.
money. Nice effort though. No matter how much our pride is involved in this,
nothing greases the wheels like cash.
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