marcelo Cortez wrote:
Hi Richard , folks
the query is:
SELECT c.actuacion_car AS c_actuacion,
c.comentario1 || ' ' || c.comentario2 || ' ' ||
c.comentario3 AS c_comentario
FROM caratult AS c INNER JOIN extractt AS t1 ON
I'm not seeing anything here that should take locks, although it's late
where I am.
without table definition etc, you see are selects
during this query, select * from pg_catalog.pg_locks
show many rows with exclusive locks , and other
activities or user's be freezed,
Are you *sure* that it's this query? Could you show some of the rows
from pg_locks along with corresponding rows from pg_stat_activity?
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings