Hi all,
This might seem like an odd question but I couldn't find the answer
in the docs (did I miss the obvious?).
I want to use a 'serial uniue' column in a table but there is likely
to be many, many inserts and deletes from this column. I was wondering,
what happens when the serial value reaches '2,147,483,647'? Does it roll
back over to '1' and keep going or will the database start erroring out?
This isn't likely to be a problem any time soon, but over the course of
a year or more it might be.
I suppose one answer is to periodically drop and recreat the table
(no long-term important data will be in there. Data will last usually
less that 1sec before being deleted).
Thanks all!
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings