World-wide Stop Order on PERL,Python,Java::->> Use Ruby instead ---------------------------------------------------------------- Language is the most critical interface to SQL server like MySQL and Postgresql. Carefully select the language for interfacing to PostgreSQL!! It is immensely important to pick a proper application programming language. Ruby will be storming the IT world and is targetting on Perl, Python and Java. Ruby is extremely important for the world-economy. Ruby will overtake Python, Java and Perl as it takes the best of "best languages"! Ruby learnt from the serious mistakes made in Python, Eiffel, Smalltalk, Java, Lisp and many others Perl is an old scripting language (free flowing like "C") but all new developments must be in Ruby and not in perl. Perl programmers can be easily migrated to Ruby, since Ruby's code base was originally borrowed from Perl. Vast amount of Perl code world-wide will slowly move into Ruby. Ruby is about 10 to 20% faster than Java in execution speed. Ruby runs slightly faster than Java. Ruby programs are about 50% less than Java. Java has lot of code clutter. Development time in Ruby is about 50% of Java, if it takes 2 months for Java project then takes about a 1 month in Ruby. Ruby had won the hearts of Python programmers because it is more flexible and more object oriented than Python. It is strongly recommended you see this presentation - Ruby Slides - A Presentation About Ruby at Ruby's popularity surpassed the Python in Japan in year 2000, and now it is 2005. Imagine how many programs might have been written in Japan in 5 years!! Ruby interfaces with all the SQL server databases via the Ruby::DBI interface (similar to perl::DBI). It can connect to MySQL, PostgreSQL and others. Ruby is at See also language shootouts at (Ruby ranks higher than Java and is picking up points) Al Dev alavoor[at]-no-spam(dot)yahoo(dot)com __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?