We do the following test on the
client site : A)Using SQLExecDirect with this query ------------ SELECT SUM("str_sls_totals"."strsl_net_dly"), "dw_trans_type"."trans_type", "flash_dates"."year_number", "flash_dates"."month_number", "flash_dates"."day" FROM "dw_trans_type", "str_sls_totals", "flash_dates" WHERE ("flash_dates"."dt" = "str_sls_totals"."strsl_per_dt") AND ("dw_trans_type"."trans_type" = "str_sls_totals"."strsl_tran_type") AND ( NOT("str_sls_totals"."strsl_tran_type" IN (5,6)) ) AND ( "dw_trans_type"."trans_type" = 4 ) AND ( "flash_dates"."year_number" = 2005 ) AND ( "flash_dates"."month_number" = 8 ) AND ( "flash_dates"."day" = 13 ) GROUP BY "dw_trans_type"."trans_type", "flash_dates"."year_number", "flash_dates"."month_number", "flash_dates"."day" ------------ Extract the column size with SQLColAttributes SQLColAttributes: In: hstmt = 0x00992148, icol = 1, fDescType = SQL_COLUMN_DISPLAY_SIZE=6, rgbDesc = -892679478, cbDescMax = 300, pcbDesc = -13622, pfDesc = 0x00152C90, Description Type = SQL_C_SLONG=-16 Return: SQL_SUCCESS=0 Out: *pfDesc = 20 ------------ So the size of SUM("str_sls_totals"."strsl_net_dly") is 20. When we change the year to 2004 the size is returned as 30 ! ! ! Is this by design or a bug. Postgres 7.3.4, ODBC driver 7.3.200. Thanks for any input you have. |