Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
On Sun, Aug 07, 2005 at 01:04:51PM +0300, Michael Ben-Nes wrote:
Im using postgres 8.0.1 on Debian Sarge with 2 XEON 2.4 HT.
doing cat /etc/cpuinfo shows that linux sees 4 cpu ( the HT effect ).
I noticed that when im runing a big query only one of the CPUs become
Is it normal behavior ? am i missing something ?
Yep, PostgreSQL uses a single backend for each client, so if you want
to use all four processors, you need to be running four queries
You mean select 1, select 2 & sleect 3 will run on the same cpu becouse
they submited from the same PSQL session ?
Or each select will be run in turn on the most idle cpu ?
Is this true for all the other OS or just for Linux ? (Bsd, solaris... )
Have a nice day,
Canaan Surfing Ltd.
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Ben-Nes Michael - Manager
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