Thanks ,
Would seem there is no problem eith cpanel + postgresql.
thanks for the link to a2hosting I will look them up.
John DeSoi wrote:
On Aug 4, 2005, at 10:28 PM, Richard Sydney-Smith wrote:
I have asked my internet host to include postgresql as part of their
service but it seems that there are issues in getting it to work
with "cpanel" which is their support service for their clients. Is
their a reason why Postgresql is harder to host than mysql? Is their
any docs I can point the server admin to that would help him?
If not what service providers are people recommending?
I'm a satisfied customer of They use
cpanel, so I'm not sure what the problem is. And the only thing you
use cpanel for is to create users and databases. Otherwise you use
phpPgAdmin (or psql if your account has shell access).
John DeSoi, Ph.D.
Power Tools for PostgreSQL
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