I want to use postgres with python but I can't seem to get it working.
If I read things correctly I need python installed then I need postgres
installed. I did both on my Sun Solaris Opteron AMD 64 (Mandrake 10.1
os) using the --enable-shared and --with-python options. Both came back
with ready statements. I can do stuff with python and I can do stuff
with postgres - but I can't seem to do stuff with both! I installed
Python-2.4.1 and PostGreSQL-8.0.3.
I read up and decided that I needed PyGreSQL so downloaded
PyGreSQL-3.6.2 and had to work extensively (before asking for help there
again) to get just the compile to work. It seems to add the shared
library but the "python setup.py install" doesn't work AT ALL.
My question is - is there a more simple way? I must surely be doing
something wrong. Maybe I don't even need PyGreSQL.
Please - all advice welcome! My brain is so tired and ready for
something fresh!
Thank you in advance for any help given. I can promise you that it is
greatly appreciated!
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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster