Are the two following options equivalent?
OPTION A (ordered insert):
CREATE TABLE table1 (cluster_col TEXT, col2 INTEGER);
CREATE INDEX idx1 ON table1(cluster_col);
INSERT INTO table1 (cluster_col, col2) SELECT cluster_col, col2 FROM
table1 ORDER BY cluster_col;
OPTION B (unordered insert followed by CLUSTER):
CREATE TABLE table1 (cluster_col TEXT, col2 INTEGER);
CREATE INDEX idx1 ON table1(cluster_col);
INSERT INTO table1 (cluster_col, col2) SELECT cluster_col, col2 FROM table1;
CLUSTER idx1 ON table1;
Kevin Murphy
P.S. On another topic, did I gather correctly from a recent thread that
it would be more efficient to define the above table (if it were really
only two columns) as:
create table clustered_tagged_genes (integer pmid, text mention);
i.e., with the integer field before the text field?
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