Reading through "Chapter 41. System Catalogs" down to sub chapter
"pg_type" I could actually easily get the namespace's OID from table
pg_namespce: pg_namespace.oid.
So sorry, may be reading through the documentation is good enough
and not so difficult :-[ ...
Samuel Thoraval a écrit :
does anybody have a complete diagram showing the system catalog tables
with their attributes and associations ?
I could only find one for the major system catalogs at .
I find it difficult to find out which pg table holds the information I
need reading through the pg documentation. For instance I currently
need to get the OID for a given namespace in order to query the pg_type
table, and I don't know where to find that information...
Samuel Thoraval
LIBROPHYT, Bioinformatique
Centre de Cadarache
Bâtiment 185, DEVM
13108 St Paul-Lez-Durance
Tél: +33 442 574 799
Fax: +33 442 574 439
e-mail : samuel.thoraval@xxxxxxxxxxxxx